TUNE - To specify the Tune parameters for each
element, from within the Pitch parameters function,
press [F5] ( Tune ).
RANDOM (0 ~ 7) - Position the cursor over the
Random value field and use the JOG, INC/DEC or
the KEYPAD to specify the intensity of random pitch
shift of the element.
TUNE (-63 ~ +63) - Position the cursor over the
Tune value field and use the JOG, INC/DEC or the
KEYPAD to adjust fine tuning of the element.
TEMPLATE TYPE (00 ~ 40) - See Keyboard Pitch
Scale, above.
NOTE SHIFT - To specify the Note Shift parameters,
from within the Pitch parameters function, press [F6]
( Shift ).
FIX (off/on) - Position the cursor over the Fix
status field and use the JOG or INC/DEC to turn the
Note Shift Fix on or off.
OFF - When set to off , you can
, or detune,
the element by the number of semitones as
specified by the Shift parameter (see below).
ON - When set to on the element will sound at
the same pitch across the entire range of the
keyboard, according to the note as specified by the
Note parameter (see below). (NOTE: Switching the
Note Shift Fix to on status disables the Keyboard
Pitch Scale function.)
SHIFT/NOTE (-64 ~ +63 / C-2 ~ G8) - When the
Fix parameter (see above) is off, position the cursor
over the Shift value field and use the JOG, INC/
DEC or the KEYPAD to specify the number of
semitones you want to
, or detune, the element.
When the Fix parameter is on, position the cursor
over the Note field and use the JOG or INC/DEC
to specify the note you want to sound across the
entire range of the keyboard.
TEMPLATE TYPE (00 ~ 40) - See Keyboard Pitch
Scale, above.
SENSITIVITY - To specify the Sensitivity parameters,
from within the Pitch parameters function, press [F7]
( Sens ).
VELOCITY SENSITIVITY (-14 ~ +14) - Position
the cursor over the Vel value field and use the
JOG, INC/DEC or the KEYPAD to specify how
velocity will control the pitch change of the element.
Positive values permit strongly played notes to cause
a greater change in pitch. Negative settings permit
lightly played notes to cause a greater change in
EG RANGE (-63 ~ +63) - To set the total amount
of pitch changes against the original pitch of the
element. Setting 0 cause no change in pitch.
TEMPLATE TYPE (00 ~ 40) - See Keyboard Pitch
Scale, above.
parameters, from within the Pitch parameters function,
press [F8] ( EG ).
ATTACK (-63 ~ +63) - Position the cursor over the
Attack offset field and use the JOG, INC/DEC or
the KEYPAD to determine the attack rate of the FEG.
The attack rate determines how the filter envelope
begins. A value of 0 represents normal level.
Negative values cause the attack to begin below
normal level. Positive values cause the attack to
begin above normal level.
DECAY 1 (-63 ~ +63) - Position the cursor over
the Decay 1 offset field and use the JOG, INC/DEC
or the KEYPAD to determine the length of time of
the first decay of the sound, between the maximum
level and Decay 2.