During operation, the W5/W7 may display a number of error messages when
attempting to perform certain functions. Descriptions of each are explained below.
Song memory full ! The sequencer s internal memory is full. Execution of song jobs including recording, bulk
reception, and loading from disks is not possible.
Data Empty ! You have attempted to perform a song job on a measure that contains no data.
Song voice memory full ! Since the internal memory is full, a Song voice memory bank cannot be created.
Song element memory full ! Since the internal memory is full, the elements cannot be loaded.
Song voice does not exist ! Since a Song voice bank has not been created for the selected song, voices cannot be selected or
edited from the Song voice bank.
Voice bank is off ! Since the voice bank is set to off (no display at the Voice Category), you cannot enter Voice Edit
No data ! Since the source Song voice bank does not exist, the Song voice memory operation cannot be
Disk not ready ! The disk is not correctly inserted into the disk drive.
Bad disk ! The inserted disk is faulty.
Write protected ! You are trying to write to a disk that has its write-protect tab in place.
Media type error ! The disk is not a 2DD type disk.
Illegal file ! The file is not of a type that can be read by the W5/W7.
File not found ! The file could not be located on the inserted disk.
Disk full ! There is no more memory available on the disk.
Illegal disk ! The data in the disk is faulty.
Disk unformatted ! The disk has not been formatted.
File already exists ! A file with the same name already exists on the disk.
Illegal file name ! The file name cannot be recognized by W5/W7.
MIDI buffer full ! When attempting to receive or transmit a large amount of MIDI data, the W5/W7 s handling
capacity was exceeded.
MIDI data error ! An error occurred while receiving or transmitting MIDI data.
MIDI checksum error ! An error occurred while receiving bulk data.
Device number is off ! Since the device number is switched off, bulk data cannot be transmitted or received.
Device number mismatch ! Since the device numbers are not matched, the bulk data was not received or transmitted.
Change internal battery ! The internal backup battery needs to be replaced.
Illegal data ! The entered data is not logical.
Data is corrupted. Fixed ! Since the data is corrupted, the internal memory has been replaced by the factory-set status.
SMF illegal timebase ! The tempo data created by another SMF device is not compatible with the W5/W7 s tempo track.