The Rename File function lets you change the name of any type of file on a disk.
To access the Rename File function, from within the Disk
Mode main menu screen, position the cursor over Rename
File and press ENTER, or simply press [F5] ( Rename ).
SELECT FILE TYPE - Position the cursor over the file
type and press ENTER, or simply press a function key
[F2 ~ F6] corresponding to the type of file you want to
SELECT A FILE - Select the file you want to rename
using JOG, INC/DEC or the KEYPAD (in the From =
field). If you want, you can view the various files in the
File Directory, by pressing [F8] ( Dir ).
FILE NAME - Press [F7] ( Name ) to advance to the
file Name screen and change the name. After giving
the file a new name, press ENTER to rename the file.
After pressing ENTER, the W5/W7 will give you an
opportunity to change your mind by asking Are
You Sure? Press DEC to abort the operation, or
press INC to rename the file on the floppy disk. The
Executing message will appear, indicating that
the renaming operation is underway. When finished,
the message will change to Completed!