The Controller parameters function screen lets you perform
operations which determine the status of the various control-
lers, including pitch bend and modulation wheels, sustain,
aftertouch, foot control and MIDI control.
To access the Controller parameter function, from within
Voice Edit Mode, press [F8] ( Ctrl ) or TRACK [16].
SUSTAIN - To specify the Sustain parameters for each
element, from within the Controller parameters func-
tion, press [F2] ( Sus ).
SUSTAIN (off, on) - Position the cursor over the
Sustain status field and use the JOG or INC/DEC
to switch the sustain controller on or off. When
switched on , the foot switch will control sustain on
and off when the foot switch is connected to the
SUSTAIN jack on the rear panel.
EXPRESSION LOW LIMIT (0 ~ 127) - Position
the cursor over the ExpLLmt value field and use
the JOG, INC/DEC or the KEYPAD to set the
minimum volume for the foot controller (i.e.,
volume pedal) connected to the FOOT VOLUME
jack on the rear panel.
NOTE: The Expression Low Limit Setting will have no
effect unless you set the Foot Volume assignment to 011
(see Utility Mode, Controllers, Expression, page 147).
PITCH BEND - To specify the Pitch Bend status for
each element and Pitch Bend settings which affect all
elements equally, from within the Controller parameters
function, press [F3] ( PB ).
PITCH BEND (off, on) - Position the cursor over
the PB status field and use the JOG or INC/DEC to
switch the pitch bend controller on or off for each
PITCH BEND RANGE (0 ~ 12) - Position the
cursor over the PB Range value field and use the
JOG, INC/DEC or the KEYPAD to determine how
much the pitch will change (for all elements equally)
when moving the pitch bend wheel.
- Position the cursor over the AT P.Bend value field
and use the JOG, INC/DEC or the KEYPAD to
determine how much the pitch will change (for all
elements equally) by aftertouch. (NOTE: The
aftertouch parameter must be switched to on
status. See Aftertouch, below.)
AFTERTOUCH - To specify the Aftertouch parameters
for each element and Aftertouch settings which affect all
elements equally, from within the Controller parameters
function, press [F4] ( AT ).
AFTERTOUCH (off, on) - Position the cursor over
the AT status field and use the JOG or INC/DEC to
switch the aftertouch controller on or off for each
EG BIAS (-127 ~ +127) - Position the cursor over
the EG Bias value field and use the JOG, INC/DEC
or the KEYPAD to determine how much the ampli-
tude EG (for all elements equally) is increased or
decreased by aftertouch.
CUTOFF (-127 ~ +127) - Position the cursor over
the Cutoff value field and use the JOG, INC/DEC
or the KEYPAD to determine how the cutoff fre-
quencies (for all elements equally) are controlled by
aftertouch. Positive settings cause the cutoff frequen-
cies to increase when a key is pressed harder.
- Position the cursor over the AMD value field and
use the JOG, INC/DEC or the KEYPAD to determine
how greatly aftertouch will affect the output level
(amplitude) of all elements equally.
Position the cursor over the PMD value field and
use the JOG, INC/DEC or the KEYPAD to determine
how greatly aftertouch will affect the pitch of all
elements equally.
Position the cursor over the FMD value field and
use the JOG, INC/DEC or the KEYPAD to determine
how greatly aftertouch will affect the cutoff frequen-
cies of the filter (for all elements equally).