The process of sound mixing may be as simple as slightly increasing a volume level on
a single track, or as complex as completely overhauling the sound of a song with different
voices and effects and drastic parameter setting changes.
Mixing happens within the multi, in Song Multi Play mode. To access the Song Multi
Play function, from within Song Mode, press [F1] ( Mlt ). The Song Multi Play function
screen, which displays a partial view of a 16 channel sound mixer, will appear.
Mixing consists of selecting tracks, and selecting parameters and modifying parameter
settings. Primarily you use the TRACK buttons or CURSOR-LEFT and CURSOR-RIGHT
keys to select tracks, and CURSOR-UP and CURSOR-DOWN keys to select mixer sections,
or parameters, and the JOG, INC/DEC and KEYPAD to change settings.
INSTRUMENT TRACK SELECT (1 ~ 16) - To select an Instrument
track, press a TRACK button or use the CURSOR-LEFT and CURSOR-
RIGHT keys. The Track button will light red, indicating that it is the
currently selected track.
tion Effect, System Effect Send 1 ~ 3, Tune, Note Shift, Pitch Bend
Range) - To select a parameter within the track, use the CURSOR-UP and
CURSOR-DOWN keys. (The screen advances or retreats accordingly as
you step through each parameter.) The currently selected parameter will
be highlighted, and the parameter name, plus a numeric value of its
current setting, will be displayed in the upper right area of the screen. (For
more information about the various parameters, see page 76.)
INSTRUMENT PARAMETER DISPLAY - To select parameters via the
Instrument Parameter display, which lets you view all Instrument param-
eter settings for the selected track at once, from within the Song Multi Play
function, press and hold SHIFT, then press [F1] ( Inst ). Use the CUR-
SOR keys to select a parameter, and the JOG, INC/DEC or KEYPAD to
modify parameter settings.
To return to the Song Multi screen, press EXIT or hold SHIFT and press
[F1] ( Mixer ).