SONG JOB - Lets you make changes to the sequence that apply to all the data
in one or more entire measures. Song Job operations include song copy,
append and clear, track copy, clear and mix, measure copy, erase, create,
delete and insert, data thin out, extract and chord sort, plus quantize, move
clock, modify gate time, modify velocity, transpose, shift note, and crescendo.
(For more information, see Song Job Mode, page 95.)
For performing single Voice Play and Voice Editing operations. (For more infor-
mation, see Voice Mode, page 106.)
VOICE PLAY - Lets you play the individual voices (from the Preset, GM,
Internal, Song or optional External voice banks) without multi settings ap-
plied. (For more information, see Voice Play, page 107.)
VOICE EDIT - Lets you edit any and all parameters which make up a voice,
including Insertion Effect and controller settings. You can go directly to Voice
Edit Mode from either Voice Play or Song Play and start editing the currently
selected voice at any time, even while the sequencer is running. (For more
information, see Voice Edit Mode, page 108.)