■ 3 Arp MIDI A/B (Arpeggio MIDI A/B)
Sets whether or not the arpeggio data is output from
MIDI OUT A/B to an external device.
❏ Settings: (output), (not output)
MIDI B for the above two parameters is available only
with the EX5.
■ 4 MIDI Trans Ch (MIDI Transmit Channel)
Sets which MIDI channel the operations on the
keyboard and/or controllers will be sent on.
❏ Settings: Ch1~Ch16
■ 5 Arp MIDI Ch (Arpeggio MIDI Channel)
Sets which MIDI channel the arpeggio data will be
sent on.
❏ Settings: Ch1~Ch16
■ Kbd/TG Mode (Keyboard/Tone Generator
Sets how the tone generator is connected in the
Voice mode. When used as a master keyboard, select
M.KBD (Master Keyboard). In general this is set to
TG (Tone Generator).
❏ Settings: M.KBD, TG
■ VelCurve (Velocity Curve)
Sets the velocity curve in the Voice mode. This
setting determines how the sound is produced
according to the strength at which notes are played
on the keyboard. To the right of the selected value,
the velocity curve is displayed graphically.
❏ Settings: norm (normal), soft, hard, wide, fix (fixed)
■ Vel Sens/Ofst (Velocity Sensitivity/Offset)
Sets the Velocity Sensitivity and Offset value.
❏ Settings:
Vel Sens (Velocity Sensitivity): 0~127
Vel Ofst (Velocity Offset): -64~0~+63
■ Controller Reset
Sets whether the controller value is retained (hold)
or initialized (reset) when a different voice is
selected. The controllers include Modulation Wheel,
After Touch, Foot Controller, Breath Controller,
Ribbon Controller (except EX5R), and Knobs.
❏ Settings: hold, reset
When “reset” is selected, the following controller
values will be reset to each default.
Pitch Bend: center
Modulation Wheel: minimum
After Touch: minimum
Foot Controller: maximum
Breath Controller: maximum
Ribbon Controller: center
Knobs1~6: center
[F2]: VOICE (Voice Mode Setup)
The Voice Mode Setup allows you to make settings for
the keyboard and controllers used in the Voice mode.
When the Voice Mode Setup is selected, [F7]:
CONNECT and [F8]: CTRL (Controller) sub-menus
will be displayed.
Sets the signal flow how the keyboard and/or
controllers are connected to the internal tone generator
as well as other settings such as the velocity curve, for
the Voice mode.
1 Global Recv Ch (Global Receive Channel)
Sets the MIDI receive channel for the.
❏ Settings: Ch1~Ch16, omn (omni: all channels)
■ 2 TrnsMIDI A/B (Transmit MIDI A/B)
Sets whether or not the operations on the keyboard
and/or controllers are output from MIDI OUT A/B
to an external device.
❏ Settings: (output), (not output)
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