■ VCO1/2 PitchScale
Sets the Pitch Scale for each VCO1/2 oscillator. The
Pitch Scale function corrects the pitch change of
VCO1/2 in accordance with the notes played on the
keyboard. When VCO1/2 Pitch Scale is applied, the
pitch change is increased or decreased relative to the
specific pitch, which is designated here as MIDI note
number 64 (E3).
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ VCO1/2 Wave
Selects the wave for each VCO1/2 oscillator. Waves
available for VCO1 depend on the current Sync
status (on/off).
❏ Settings:
VCO1 (when Sync is set to on: other than only FM):
saw, pulse, innr1/2/3 (inner1/2/3)
VCO1 (when Sync is set to off: only FM): saw, pulse,
saw2, mix
VCO2: saw, pulse, saw2, mix
saw (Sawtooth wave)
As seen in the diagram, this wave derives its name from its
shape, and is used to create a brass instrument sounds such as
trumpet and strings such as violin. Since it contains all
harmonics in the spectrum, it produces a full rich sound.
When used with the Pulse Width function (see page 116),
increasing the even harmonics can raise the pitch to a
maximum of a full octave.
pulse (Pulse wave)
The pulse (square) wave, familiar as dial tone of touch-tone
phone, is used to make woodwind instrument sounds. When
the Pulse Width is set to 64, the waveform will contain only
odd-numbered harmonics.
Basic Wave
PW=below 64Basic Wave
saw2 (Sawtooth2)
This wave is slightly different from the saw wave. The
spectrum of the saw2 wave is created by a sawtooth wave
combined with a pulse wave, and therefore. When the Pulse
Width is set to 64, the wave shape is the same as the saw. As
you change the Pulse Width, the even-number harmonics
increase and the saw wave volume becomes larger. Even if the
pitch is raised an octave, the basic pitch remains the same.
mix (Mix)
This mix wave is a mix of the saw and pulse waves.
Innr1 (Inner1: Inner1)
Innr2 (Inner2: Inner2)
Innr3 (Inner3: Inner3)
Active when the Sync function is on. This waveform is
output according to the Sync’s structural formula. These
three types are effective when used with the Pulse Width.
■ VCO1/2 Edge
Adjusts the shape of each VCO1/2 wave. The larger
the value, the sharper the wave becomes, whereas
the smaller the value, the rounder and softer the
wave becomes. This parameter can make the sound
harsher or softer.
❏ Settings: 0~127
Sharper wave Rounder wave Sine wave
Pulse Saw Mix
PW=below 64Basic Wave
Voice/E.qx 5/21/98 11:30 AM Page 115