Performance Mode
When the currently selected Performance is being
edited (see page 159), an “ ” (Edit) mark is
displayed. When comparing sounds (page 159), a “ ”
(Compare) mark is displayed.
3Performance number
The selected Performance number (001~128) and
the Bank (A~H)/Program (1~16) are displayed.
When initially turned on, “001 (A01)” will be
displayed. “001” indicates the Performance number,
“A” indicates the Bank/Program. “01” is the Program
number for the current Bank.
■ About Performance number
Each Performance not only has a Performance
number (listed 001~128), but also a Bank (A-H)
with a Program number from 1~16. With EX5/7
You can access the Performance two different ways,
with the numeric keypad for the Performance
numbers or with the Bank and Program keys for the
Bank/Program numbers.
The Bank and Program keys are not available with the
The relationship between the Performance number
and the Bank/Program number is shown below.
Performance Play Mode
Performance Play mode lets you play the Performances
of your own creation in realtime and use the EX5/5R/7
as a powerful multi timbre tone generator using the
internal sequencer function (Song mode/Pattern mode)
or an external sequencer.
In Performance Edit mode you can assign voices and
drum voices to a maximum of 16 parts with the
different MIDI channel settings. It means the
EX5/5R/7 can operate as 16 individual tone generators
(maximum). Also, multiple parts can be set to the same
MIDI channel to create layers.
For Performances you have created, there are eight
Internal Banks (A-H) each with 16 Programs, a total of
128 memory locations. With EX5/7 all of the
Performances are quickly accessible from the panel by
pressing Bank/Program keys. It will be a powerful tool
for your realtime performance in a studio or on a stage.
Following is an explanation of the screen that appears
when Performance Play mode is selected, and how to
select a Performance.
To obtain the arpeggiator function in Performance mode,
both the Arpeggio Switch and Layer Switch (page 166)
should be on before turning on the Arpeggiator by
ARPEG(GIO) key on the panel.
Performance Play Mode screen
Press [PERFORM] key on the panel to enter
Performance Play mode. When you enter Performance
Play mode, the following screen appears. The contents
are shown below.
1Screen Title
Indicates Performance Play mode.
Performance/E/qx 5/21/98 11:35 AM Page 156