[F4]: JOB3
Press [F4] (JOB3) and JOB3 menu will be displayed.
There are eight jobs that are effective for note event
data on a specified track.
1. Quantize (Corrects the timing of the notes in a
designated range.)
2. Move Clock (Moves all of the events in a designated
3. Modify GateTime (Changes the note gate times
[length] in a designated range.)
4. Modify Velocity (Changes the note velocities in a
designated range.)
5. Transpose (Transposes all notes over a selected range.)
6. Shift Note (Replaces all instances of a selected note
with the specified replacement, over a designated
7. Crescendo (Gradually increases or decreases the note
velocities over a designated range.)
8. Shift Event (Changes one event type into another, over
a designated range.)
1. Quantize
This job quantizes note events over a specified range of
a designated track. You can use this feature, for
example, to correct the imperfect timing of a
performance you have recorded in real time.
The Quantize Strength and Sensitivity functions allow
you to get a variety of settings. The Strength setting
varies the degree of the quantize value, and the
Sensitivity setting designates the range to be applied.
You can combine these settings, for example, to slightly
adjust only those notes that are far away from the
quantizing line, or the original quantize value, while
leaving the closer notes untouched.
Also, the Rate setting will add a “swing” to the rhythm.
This setting allows you to slightly delay the note events
in every even-numbered beats, thereby giving the music
a “swing” feel. If you are using an eighth-note
quantizing value, for example, the delay will be applied
to the note events at the second, fourth, sixth, and
eighth beats in the measure.
You can further improve the swing by changing the
velocity and gate time of the delayed note events.
■ Track
Sets the track where Quantize will be executed.
❏ Settings: 1~16(Sequence tracks 1~16)
■ Measure
Sets the measure range (beginning measure to the
end measure) where Quantize is executed.
❏ Settings: 001~999 (for the beginning measure and the
end measure)
■ Qunt (Quantize Value)
Sets the standard note value by which Quantize
corrects timing.
uses the 16th note and 16th note triplet as its
standard note values, and uses the 8th note
and 8th note triplet as its standard note values. If
you use the quantize value,16th note triplet or 8th
note triplet, for the song which contains the 16th
notes (or 8th notes) and 16th note triplets (or 8th
note triplets), all the notes will be quantized to the
triplet timing, and this may ruin the song. In such
cases, if you use the or for the
standard note values, the notes closer to the 16th
note (or 8th note) timing will be treated as the 16th
notes (or 8th notes) and those closer to the 16th
note triplet (or 8th note triplet) timing as the 16th
note triplets (or 8th note triplets), and thus the
problem can be solved.
❏ Settings: , , , , , , , ,
Original Data
Quantized by “”
Quantized by “
Quantize Strength=100%
Quantize Strength=100%
A quarter note length
Song/E/qx 6/12/98 7:28 PM Page 212