3. Copy Track
This job copies all data from a specified track onto
another. The arpeggio’s Play Effects data and other
settings are also copied simultaneously. This operation
overwrites any data already existing on the destination
■ Src Arp (Source Arpeggio)
Sets the source arpeggio number.
❏ Settings: 01~100
■ SrcTrack (Source Track)
Sets the source track that will be copied.
❏ Settings: 1~4
■ Dst Arp (Destination Arpeggio)
Sets the destination arpeggio number.
❏ Settings: 51~100
■ Dst Track (Destination Track)
Sets the destination track that will be copied to.
❏ Settings: 1~4
4. Clear Track
This job erases all data from a specified track of the
currently selected arpeggio. In this case, the job also
initializes all Play Effects and other settings for that
■ Track
Sets the track that will be cleared.
❏ Settings: 1~4, all
5. Mix Track
This job mixes all data from a specified sequence track
(Mix source track) with another track’s data (Mix
destination track). When the operation is complete, the
destination track contains both its original data and a
copy of the source track’s data.
■ Src Track (Source Track)
Sets the Mix source track.
❏ Settings: 1~4
■ Dst Track (Destination Track)
Sets the Mix destination track.
❏ Settings: 1~4
6. Append Arpeggio
This job lets you connect the data of two specific tracks
to complete an arpeggio. A source arpeggio (Append
source arpeggio) is connected to the end of a
destination arpeggio (Append destination arpeggio).
■ Src Arp (Source Arpeggio)
Sets the Append source arpeggio number.
❏ Settings: 51~100
■ SrcTrack (Source Track)
Sets the Append source arpeggio track that will be
copied to the destination arpeggio.
❏ Settings: 1~4
■ Dst Arp (Destination Arpeggio)
Sets the Append destination arpeggio number.
❏ Settings: 51~100
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