■ VCO1/2 PulseWidth
Adjusts the width of each VCO1/2 pulse wave.
When the pulse is set to a value of 64, the pulse
wave is equally balanced, generating only odd-
numbered harmonics. When the value of 64 is
increased or decreased, the more the pulse width
changes, the fatter the sound becomes, caused by the
increase in harmonics. In general, the Pulse Width
parameter is used to control the width of the pulse
(pulse wave); however, it can be used for waves
other than the pulse with the EX5/5R/7, providing
much more possibilities in sound creation.
❏ Settings: 0~64~127 (0%~50%~99%)
[F5]: MOD (Modulation)
Settings related to the VCO (VCO1/2) modulation.
■ VCO1/2 Mod (VCO1/2Modulation)
Sets the depth of the pitch modulation for each
VCO1/2 wave applied by LFO1 or LFO2. When set
to a positive setting, the higher the value, the wider
the range of the pitch change becomes. Negative
settings reverse the phase signal waveform of LFO1
or LFO2.
❏ Settings: –128~0~+127
■ VCO1/2 Mod Src (VCO1/2 Modulation Source)
Selects which source signal (LFO1 or LFO2) will be
used to modulate the pitch of each VCO1/2 wave.
❏ Settings: LFO1, LFO2
Basic Pulse Wave
(with only odd-
numbered harmonics)
More HarmonicsMore Harmonics
Pulse Width is
Pulse Width is
64 (50%)
Pulse Width is
■ VCO1 ModSw (VCO1 Modulation Switch)
When the pitch of VCO1 wave is modulated by
LFO1 or LFO2, this setting selects which waveform
(the master oscillator or the slave oscillator inside
VCO1) will be modulated.
❏ Settings: master (master oscillator), slave (slave oscillator),
both (both the master and the slave oscillator)
This is active only when VCO1 is selected, and Sync is
set to “on” (other than only FM). This parameter
cannot be selected with VCO2.
■ VCO1/2 PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
Sets the amount of depth of the pulse width for each
VCO1/2 wave, which is adjusted by the PWM Src
(Pulse Width Modulation Source). When set to a
positive setting, the higher the value, the greater the
change in the width. Negative settings reverse the
phase signal waveform from the source.
❏ Settings: –64~+63
■ PWM Src (Pulse Width Modulation Source)
Sets the source wave used to modulate the pulse
width of VCO1/2 wave. The pulse width is
modulated by the signal waveform of the source
selected here.
❏ Settings: fixed, PEG, FEG, LFO1, LFO2, LFO2p (phase),
LFO2f (fast)
When set to “fixed,” there is no change in modulation
over time.
Low Frequency Oscillator 2 Phase (LFO2p) shifts the
LFO2 wave later by 60 degrees. Low Frequency
Oscillator 2 Fast (LFO2f) slightly speeds up the LFO2
[F6]: WAVE
Voice/E.qx 5/21/98 11:30 AM Page 116