■ Port Mode (Portamento Mode)
Selects the portamento mode. The way in which the
portamento moves will differ depending on whether
the Mono or Poly parameter is selected in the
Common menu.
❏ Settings: fngr (fingered), full
When “Mono” is selected in the Common menu:
fngr (fingered): Portamento is applied only when you
play legato (playing a note before releasing the previous
full: Portamento is always applied.
When “Poly” is selected in the Common menu:
Same as for the mono (monophonic) mode except that
portamento is applied to multiple notes.
[F8]: SET (Controller Set)
A variety of control change functions can be assigned
to a controller such as the Control Knobs on the front
panel or the keyboard. For example, aftertouch of the
keyboard can be assigned to control vibrato or the
[MODULATION] wheel can be assigned to apply
resonance. The control functions can be assigned to
affect a specific element. The assignment of controls to
a voice is called voice control, and a maximum of 16
different Voice Controller Sets can be assigned to one
When you select [F8]: SET, [F3]: REMAP function will
be added to the screen.
Modulation Wheel,
Knobs, etc.
Voice Control 1~16
Set 1
Set 16
The Remap function allows you to arrange the
Voice Controller Sets. For example, when you have
created four Controller Sets, number 1, 3, 4 and 7,
the numbers will be ranged from 1 through 4.
■ Ctrl (Controllers)
Selects the voice control number. When creating a
Voice Controller Set, first select the control number.
❏ Settings: Set 1-16 (Voice Controller set 1-16)
■ Elem Sw (Element Switch)
Sets the controller for each element as active (“on”)
or inactive (“off”).
❏ Settings: For each element 1-4, on, off
■ Src Sw (Source Switch)
Sets the control devices that control the functions
selected with the Dst Param (Destination
Parameter). Set the controllers that you want to use
to “on.” There are 13 types of controllers, and it is
possible to select more than one controller at a time.
❏ Settings: PB (Pitch Bend Wheel), AT (After Touch), FC
(Foot Controller), BC (Breath Controller), RC
(Ribbon Controller), MW1 (Modulation Wheel
1), MW2 (Modulation Wheel 2), KN1~6
(Knobs1-6); for each controller, on, off
When VL or AN elements are selected, Vel (Velocity)
parameter will be added to the “Src Sw.” You can
control Dest Parameters by keyboard velocity.
■ Dest Param (Destination Parameter)
Sets the control function that will be assigned to a
voice control set. The control function that is
selected here will be controlled by the controller
selected in Src Sw (Source Switch).
❏ Settings: (See the Controller List in the separate Data List
The available destination parameters are from No.45
through No.78. For more information, refer to the
Controller List.
Voice/E.qx 5/21/98 11:30 AM Page 104