Card Verification Setup
Simple Explanation: The Card Verification Setup window allows you to
set up CVV2, CVC2, and CID filtering for your credit card processing account.
Card verification is typically used in card-not-present situations (like Mail
Order/Telephone Order and eCommerce) to help to verify that the customer
actually has the card in hand (even though you do not).
Most users will want to use the default settings. If you anticipate processing a
high number of manually entered transactions (hand keyed, not swiped), we
recommend that you review this section. Otherwise, you may proceed to the
next section, End of Merchant Setup Wizard (see page 72).
Note: This window may or may not be accessible depending on which credit
card processing company you use. Most terminal-based processing companies
support CVV2/CVC2/CID. If this window is not displayed but you know your
account is set up for address verification, it likely means that your credit card
processing company is host-based and handles CVV2/CVC2/CID filtering on
their end.