Transaction Database Purging
Simple Explanation: In response to the recent CISP requirements from
Visa, PCCharge now allows users to purge (delete) transactions from their
PCCharge databases that are older than a configurable amount. This is
different from the archive feature because the archive feature simply backs up
transactions to a database. The purge feature will actually delete transactions
from the applicable databases (pccw.mdb and pccwhist.mdb).
Note: You can get the most current information regarding CISP by visiting
http://www.visa.com. The following information was taken from that site:
In April 2000, Visa announced the launch of its Cardholder Information Security
Program (CISP). Approved in October 1999 and mandated June 2001. CISP
defines a standard of due care for securing Visa cardholder data, wherever it is
located. CISP compliance has been required of all entities storing, processing,
or transmitting Visa cardholder data. Members must comply with CISP and are
responsible for ensuring the compliance of their merchants and Agents—
whether they support Issuing or Acquiring activity—for all payment channels,
including retail (brick-and-mortar), mail/telephone-order, and e-commerce.
WARNING: Purging is permanent. Once deleted, transactions cannot be
Setting Up Transaction Database Purging
1. You may safely ignore the upper half of this window (Transaction Archive
Configuration) for now, since it was explained in the previous section.
2. By default, the checkbox in the Transaction Purge Configuration section of this
window is checked. We HIGHLY recommend that most users leave this checked,
since this means that PCCharge will automatically prompt you to purge your database.
If you uncheck this box and forget to purge your database at the appropriate time,
your business may no longer be CISP compliant and may be liable to fines imposed
by various financial agencies.
3. If it the PCCharge database exceeds the aged ## days or more value specified in
this window, PCCharge will ask you during program startup if you want to purge the
database. The default value is 2556 days (7 years). Most users should accept this
default, but you may specify a different directory by typing it in, or by using the
Browse Location button. Note that this does not set an absolute date (like October
, 1974); it only is a reference for selecting a relative date (like 3650 days).
4. PCCharge's Transaction Database Purging functionality is now set up. The following
section gives instructions on to use Transaction Database Purging.