Batch Functions
Simple Explanation: When PCCharge processes transactions
throughout your business day, it's obtaining authorizations for transactions.
This means that the amounts have been authorized for eventual transfer from
your customers' accounts to your account.
At the end of the day, your batch must be closed or settled. This initiates the
transfer of funds from your customers' accounts to your account. Depending on
your processing company, this may happen automatically. Check with your
processing company, bank, or merchant service provider (or whoever set up
your account) to find out if your account is set to auto-close.
Note: Not all of the functions shown in this section are available for each
processing company. Host based systems use batch close, and terminal based
systems used batch settle. To determine if your payment processing company
is terminal or host based, consult the section of the PCCharge Appendices that
relates to your payment processing company. Further, there are other
differences between individual processing companies within those two groups.
WARNING: Batch settlement/closure is a necessary part of host based
payment processing, regardless of whether your batch is manually or
automatically settled/closed. If your batch is not settled/closed, your payment
processing company will not initiate the transfer of funds from your customers'
accounts to your account (and vice versa). Double-check with your processing
company to make sure of how your account is set up!