Note: Some of the following fields may not appear in your Check Services
window. This is because each check services company offers different options.
Transit Number -- Allows you to enter your customer's transit number.
Phone Number -- Allows you to enter your customer's phone number.
Zip Code -- Allows you to enter your customer's zip code.
Check Number -- Allows you to enter your customer's check number.
Account Number -- Allows you to enter your customer's checking account number.
Driver's License -- Allows you to enter your customer's driver's license number.
Birth Date -- Allows you to enter your customer's birth date from his or her driver's license.
State Code -- Allows you to enter your customer's state code.
Amount $ -- Allows you to enter the amount of the transaction.
Ticket -- Allows you to enter an internal invoice number.
Note: If you perform check truncation/conversion, you'll need to close your
batch at the end of the day. It is necessary to perform this procedure to have
funds transferred from the customers' accounts to yours.