3. Click the Credit tab (currently, no gift card processing companies require that you
manually close your batch).
4. Make sure that the desired merchant account number is selected. Click the OK button.
The End-of-Day Batch Management window will appear and display your batch
5. Check that batch information fields correctly reflect the transactions you've processed
for this merchant account. You may want to refer to your PCCharge reports prior to
continuing with this process (see page 204). Note that different processing companies
will have different batch information and transaction types listed on this window.
6. Click the OK button. PCCharge will connect to your processing company and initiate
batch closure.
7. At the completion of closure, a message of completion or error status will be
displayed. If you get an error message, you may need to contact your payment
processing or PCCharge technical support. Visit our online knowledgebase in the
support section of
www.pccharge.com for some possible solutions.
8. Closure is now complete, and you may resume normal transaction processing. It may
take forty-eight hours (or more) for the funds to actually transfer from the customer's
account to your account.