Credit -- This action increases the cardholder's limit to buy. It authorizes a transfer of funds
from your account to the cardholder's account.
Void Sale -- This action removes a sale transaction. No funds will be received from this
transaction. Use the Void Sale action to correct mistakes and on same-day returns. This
action can only be performed before batch settlement/close. With a host based auto-close
system, the action has to be performed on the same day.
Pre-Auth -- This action reduces a cardholder's account's limit to buy for a predetermined
amount of time. A Pre-Auth is the first half of a sale. A Pre-Auth specifies that amount to
be set aside for a potential transfer of funds. The funds are not transferred at batch
settlement/close unless a Post-Auth is performed using the Pre-Auth's approval code. As
previously mentioned, there is a time limit on a Pre-Auth's usability. The processor
determines the time limit, which is usually 7-10 days. You should contact your merchant
service provider/credit card processing company for the exact time.
Post-Auth -- This action makes an approved Pre-Auth or voice authorized transaction
available for batch settlement/close. This action is the second half of a sale. This
transaction is also known as a Completion.
Void Credit -- This action removes a Credit transaction. This action can only be performed
before settlement/close. This action can only be performed before batch settlement/close.
With a host based auto-close system, the action has to be performed on the same day.
Void Auth -- This action removes a Post-Auth transaction. This action can only be
performed before re-transmission. With a host based system, the action has to be
performed on the same day. Void Auths are not available for all processing companies. If
you want to void a Post-Auth and the action is not available, use the Void action.
Note: There is no action to void a Pre-Auth. This is because you cannot void
a Pre-Auth. To remove a Pre-Auth, you can have the processing company
remove the transaction (if your processing company is host based, they can
probably do it). Or, you could follow up the Pre-Auth with a Post-Auth and do a
Void Sale. The only other option is to simply wait for the authorization to expire.
The following two tabs are available only when using a processing company that offers
restaurant certification with PCCharge.
Gratuity -- This action allows you to complete a gratuity transaction entered in the Sale
window. The Actual Gratuity Amount is entered in this window.
Sale w/Gratuity -- This action allows you to process a sale with a gratuity when the Actual
Gratuity Amount is known.
The following two tabs are available only when your account is set up to process
transactions as MOTO or e-commerce using PCCharge.
Book -- This action is essentially the same as a Pre-Auth; it reduces a cardholder's
account's limit to buy for a predetermined amount of time. However, a Book transaction is
used with the Ship transaction to make for an efficient and easy-to-use solution for MOTO
and e-Commerce retailers. A Book transaction is made when the customer places an
order, and is followed by a Ship transaction when the order is shipped.
Ship -- This action is essentially the same as a Post-Auth; it makes an approved Book
transaction available for batch settlement/close. A Book transaction is made when the
customer places an order, and is followed by a Ship transaction when the order is shipped.