
8. Enter the Account Information for your American Express account.
Service ID/PCID: -- (Default = Empty) (6 alpha-numeric characters) -- This
information will be supplied to you by AMEX or your merchant service provider.
AMEX may refer to this as Name or Process Control ID. The value of this field
is the same as the value of the field User Name (PCID):, but is different from
your dial-up AMEX FTP user name.
Invoice Batch Code: -- (Default = 501) -- Do not alter this value unless directed
by a Technical Support Representative.
Invoice Subcode: -- (Default = 00) -- Do not alter this value unless directed by a
Technical Support Representative.
File Sequence: -- (Default = 1) -- This value is automatically incremented by the
software during normal batch operation. Do not alter this value unless directed by
a Technical Support Representative.
9. The Current Batch Information is automatically incremented by PCCharge during
normal batch operation. Do not alter these values unless directed by a Technical
Support Representative.
10. Enter your Default Charge Descriptor (23 alpha-numeric characters long).
Note: This field contains a description of the purchase associated with the
charge. Descriptors are provided by American Express, but are developed in
discussion with the merchant, and can vary within and among merchants. This
flexibility is needed to provide the best possible description from the merchant's
perspective. Descriptors should be as concise as possible.
Technical Details: This field's value is sent to American Express during
settlement. The value you enter here will be recorded on your customer's credit
card statement. This information is intended to provide your customer with a
convenient description of any purchase(s) made from your business. We
recommended that you use a descriptor that will represent the products and
services you offer for purchase via American Express credit cards.
11. Enter the Amex Host Information for American Express account.
User Name (PCID): -- (Default = Username) (6 alphanumeric characters) -- This
information will be supplied to you by AMEX or your merchant service provider.
AMEX may refer to this as Name or Process Control ID. The value of this field
is the same as the value of the field Service ID/PCID:, but is different from your
dial-up AMEX FTP user name.
Password (NAPID): -- (Default = *******) (10 alphanumeric characters) -- This
information will be supplied to you by AMEX or your merchant service provider.
AMEX may refer to this as Password or NAPID. This value is different from your
dial-up AMEX FTP password.
System Address: -- (Default = -- This information will be supplied
to you by AMEX or your merchant service provider. AMEX may refer to this as IP
Address or FTP Address.