Performance Tests
TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
H Push Trigger Source to toggle the source to CH 3.
H Set the Horizontal SCALE to 200 s.
H If necessary, adjust the calibration generator output for an amplitude
of 5 divisions. For oscilloscopes with 50 Ω inputs, you may need to
double the output of the generator.
H From the toolbar bar, click Horiz, and select the Acquisition tab.
H Click Average, and set the number of averages to 64.
H Click the Close button.
2. C onfirm AUX OUT is within limits for logic levels:
a. Display the test signal:
H Press the Vertical CH 3 buttontoturnoffCH3.
H Press the Vertical CH 2 button to display that channel.
H Set the CH 2 Vertical SCALE to 1V.
H Use the Vertical POSITION knob to center the display on-screen.
b. Measur e logic levels:
H From the toolbar, click MEAS, and select the Ampl tab.
H Click the High and Low buttons.
H Click the Close button.
c. Check AUX OUT output against limits:
H CHECK that the CH 2 High readout is ≥2.5 volts and that the CH 2
Low readout is ≤0.7 volts. See Figure 2--23.
H Enter the high and low voltages in the test record.
H From the toolbar, click the Vert button. Click the Termination 50 Ω
H Click the Close button.
CHECK that the CH 2 High readout is ≥1.0 volt and that the CH 2
Low readout ≤0.25 volts.
H Enter the high and low voltages in the test record.