Performance Tests
TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Trigger System Checks
The following procedures check those characteristics that relate to the trigger
system and are listed as checked in the Specifications section.
One sine wave generator (Item 13)
One 10X attenuator (Item 1)
One 50 Ω, precision coaxial cable (Item 4)
Prerequisites Read Prerequisit es on page 2--17 and foot note warnings on page 2--19.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
a. Initialize the instrument: Press the DEFAULT SETUP button.
b. Modify the default setup:
H Set the horizontal SCALE to 10 ns.
H From the toolbar, click the Vert button; then click the Termination
50 Ω button.
c. Hook up the test-signal source: Connect the output of the sine wave
generator (Item 13) to CH 1 as shown in Figure 2--18.
Use a 50 Ω precision coaxial cable, followed by a 10X attenuator. The
10X attenuator is optional if the SG503 is used.
TDS5000B Series oscilloscope
50 Ωcoaxial cable
Sine wavegenerator
10X Attenuator
Figure 2- 18: Initial test hookup
2. Confirm that the trigger system is w ithin the time-accuracy limits for
pulse-glitch or pulse-width triggering (time range ≤500 ns):
Check Time Accuracy for
Pulse, Glitch, Timeout,
and Width Triggering