Performance Tests
TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
H Click Upper Limit; then use the multipurpose knob to slowly
decrease the Upper Limit readout until triggering stops.
H CHECK that the Upper Limit readout, after the oscilloscope loses
triggering, is within 1.9 sto2.1s, inclusive.
H Enter the time in the test record.
4. Disconnect the hookup: Disconnect the cable from the generator output at
the input connector of CH 1.
One sine wave generator (Item 13)
One precision 50 Ω coaxial cable (Item 4)
One 50 Ω termination (Item 4)
One 10X attenuator (Item 1)
One 5X attenuator (Item 2)
Prerequisites Read Prerequisit es on page 2--17 and foot note warnings on page 2--19.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
a. Initialize the oscilloscope: Press the DEFAULT SETUP button.
b. Modify the initialized front-panel control settings:
H Set the Horizontal SCALE to 20 ns (25 ns for TDS5054B E).
H Press the Trigger MODE button to toggle it to Normal.
H From the toolbar, click Horiz, and select the Acquisition tab.
H Click Average, and set the number of averages to 16.
c. Hook up the test-signal source:
H Connect one end of a precision 50 Ω coaxial cable to the signal
output of the generator. Connect the other end of the coaxial cable to
CH 1 through a 50 Ω termination. See Figure 2--20.
Check Sensitivity, Edge
Trigger, DC Coupled