Performance Tests
TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
TDS5000B Series oscilloscope
DC calibrator
50 Ωcoaxial cables
Dual bananato
BNC adapters
Output Sense
Figure 2- 8: Initial test hookup
b. Initialize the oscilloscope: Press DEFAULT SETUP.
c. Modify the default settings:
H From the toolbar bar, click Horiz and select the Acquisition tab.
H Click Average and set the number of averages to 16.
2. Confirm input channels are within limits for DC accuracy at maximum offset
and position: Perform the following substeps — test CH 1 first, skipping
substep 2a, since CH 1 is already selected from step 1.
a. Select an unchecked channel:
H From the toolbar bar, click MEAS and then Clear to remove the
previous measurement.
H Press the Vertical button of the channel just confirmed to remove
the channel from the display.
H Press the front-panel Vertical button that corresponds to the channel
that you are to confirm.
H Set the generator output to 0 V.
H Move the test hookup to the channel that you selected.
b. Turn on the measurement Mean for the channel:
H From the toolbar bar, click MEAS and select the Ampl tab, and then
click Mean to measure the mean of the current channel.
H Press Close.