Performance Tests
TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
One sine wave generator (Item 13)
One level meter and power sensor (Item 14)
One power divider (Item 15)
One femal e N to male BNC adapter (Item 21)
Four m ale N to female BNC adapters (Item 20)
Two 50 Ω precision cables (Item 4)
Attenuators (Items 1 and 2)
Optional: One high-frequency leveled sine wave generator and its
leveling head - replaces items 13, 14, 15, 20, and 21
Prerequisites Read Prerequisit es on page 2--17 and foot note warnings on page 2--19.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
a. Initialize the oscilloscope:
b. Modify the default settings:
H Turn the horizontal SCALE knob to 40 ns (50 ns for TDS5054BE).
H From the toolbar bar, click Horiz and select the Acquisition tab.
H Click Average and set the number of averages to 16.
H Click ET (Equivalent Time).
H From the toolbars, click MEAS. Click Setup Ref Levs; then click
the Determine Base, Top From Min-Max button.
NOTE. The sine wave generator output amplitude must be leveled to within
0.35 db of the reference frequency (10 MHz) through the bandwidth frequency
listed in Table 2 --3 on page 2--30. The 0.35 db requirement is necessary to ensure
a bandwidth that meets Tektronix specifications.
You can perform bandwidth Performance Verification using an unleveled sine
wave generator (with amplitude error >0.35 db). Under these conditions, the
bandwidth PV is subject to the flatness errors associated with the generator
Refer to the Sine Wave Generator Leveling P rocedure on page 2--61 if your sine
wave generator does not have automatic output amplitude leveling.
Check Analog Bandwidth