TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 1-9: Mechanical specifications (Cont.)
Characteristic Description
Construction m aterial Chassis parts constructed of aluminum alloy; front-panel
constructed of plastic laminate; circuit boards constructed
of glass laminate; outer shell molded and textured from a
polycarbonate/ ABS bl end
Table 1-10: Environmental specifications
Characteristic Description
Operating +5 °Cto+45°C(+41°Fto+113°F)
+15 °Cto+45°C 〈+59 °Fto+113 °F) with integrated
printer, Option 1P, installed
Nonoperating -- 2 0 °Cto+60°C(--4°F to +140 °F)
Operating 20% to 80% relative humidity with a maximum wet bulb
temperat ure of +29 °C (84.2 °F) at or below +45 °C
(113 °F), noncondensing
Upper limit derated to 30% relative humidity at +45 °C
(113 °F)
Nonoperating With no diskette in floppy disk drive
5% to 90% relative humidity with a maximum wet bulb
temperat ure of +29 °C (84.2 °F) at or below +60 °C
(+140 °F), noncondensing
Upper limit derated to 20% relative humidity at +60 °C
(+140 °F)
Operating 10,000 ft (3,048 m)
Nonoperating 40,000 ft (12, 190 m)
Random vibrati on
Operating 0.1 g
from 5 Hz to 500 Hz, 10 minutes on each
Nonoperating 2.0 g
from 5 Hz to 500 Hz, 10 minutes on each axis
Shock, nonoperating 30 g (11 ms hal f-sine wave) or less