Performance Tests
TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Hint: As you adjust the generator amplitude, push PUSH TO SET 50%
often to speed up the updating of the waveform amplitude on screen.
b. Set the horizontal SCALE to 200 ps.
c. Save a CH 2 waveform:
H Press the CH 2 Vertical button.
H From the toolbar, click Save to open the Save As dialog box.
H In the S ave What field, click Waveform. The Save as Type is
Tektronix Waveform Data (*.wfm).
H In the S ource drop-down list box, select CH 2.
H In the S ave in: Oscilloscope Memory field, select Ref 2; then click
the Save button.
d. Save CH 3 w aveform:
H Press the CH 2 Vertical button to turn CH 2 off; then press the CH 3
Vertical button to turn CH 3 on.
H Move the coupler or cable from CH 2 to CH 3, so that CH 1 and
CH 3 are driven.
H From the toolbar, click Save to open the Save As dialog box.
H In the S ave What field, click Waveform. The Save as Type is
Tektronix Waveform Data (*.wfm).
H In the S ource drop-down list box, select CH 3.
H In the S ave in: Oscilloscope Memory field, select Ref 3; then click
the Save button.
e. Display all test signals:
H Press the CH 3 Vertical button to remove CH 3 from the display.
H To display the live waveform, move the coupler or cable from CH 3
to CH 4, so CH 1 and CH 4 are driven. Press the Vertical CH 4
button to activate the display. See Figure 2--14 on page 2--36.
H To display reference waveforms, select Ref 3 from the Source
drop-down list box; then click the Ref 3 Display Off button to toggle
it to On and display the reference.
Hint: To control reference waveforms, use the Reference Waveform
Controls menu on the right side of the screen.