
Chapter 1 Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
Pre-Installation Script
StorNext 3.5 Installation Guide 9
What is the maximum number of directories expected (in millions)?
What is the maximum number of files expected (in millions)?
How many copies will be stored for each file?
How many versions will be retained for each file?
Running snPreInstall 1
To run the pre-installation script, use the StorNext installation CD.
1 Log on to the MDC as root.
2 Mount the StorNext installation CD and change to the CD root
3 List the installation directories on the CD. At the command prompt,
ls -l
4 Identify the correct installation directory for your operating system
and hardware platform, and then change to that directory.
For example, for Red Hat Linux 5 running on an x86 64-bit platform,
change to the
RedHat50AS_26x86_64 directory.
5 Run the script. At the command prompt, type:
The pre-installation script runs (figure 1).
Note: Keep in mind that storage needs typically grow rapidly.
Consider increasing the maximum number of expected
directories and files by a factor of 2.5x to ensure room for
future growth.
Note: The pre-installation script ignores unmounted file systems.
Before running
snPreInstall, be sure to mount all local file
systems that will hold StorNext support information.