Chapter 1 Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
Pre-Installation Script
StorNext 3.5 Installation Guide 9
• What is the maximum number of directories expected (in millions)?
• What is the maximum number of files expected (in millions)?
• How many copies will be stored for each file?
• How many versions will be retained for each file?
Running snPreInstall 1
To run the pre-installation script, use the StorNext installation CD.
1 Log on to the MDC as root.
2 Mount the StorNext installation CD and change to the CD root
3 List the installation directories on the CD. At the command prompt,
ls -l
4 Identify the correct installation directory for your operating system
and hardware platform, and then change to that directory.
For example, for Red Hat Linux 5 running on an x86 64-bit platform,
change to the
RedHat50AS_26x86_64 directory.
5 Run the script. At the command prompt, type:
The pre-installation script runs (figure 1).
Note: Keep in mind that storage needs typically grow rapidly.
Consider increasing the maximum number of expected
directories and files by a factor of 2.5x to ensure room for
future growth.
Note: The pre-installation script ignores unmounted file systems.
Before running
snPreInstall, be sure to mount all local file
systems that will hold StorNext support information.