description 5
PUK 339
setting PIN 337
statistics 331
turning on and off 324
Mode 265
auto-disconnect 178
HotSync operations via 296–300, 388–
initialization string 317
initializing 178
preferences 177
timeout 178
Modem sled, prerequisite for
connection 165
Monday, to start week 319
Month (Date Book view) 88, 91
MPA (Memo Pad archive file) 29
MultiMediaCard 10
See also Expansion Card
Multi-part messages 144
Multiple addressees 196
Navigator 18
accessing international characters 21
description 11
in VersaMail 248
location 10, 11
look up Address Book record 49
scroll 26
scroll in Address Book 65
Netscape 222
connecting 351
HotSync operation 301–304
idle timeout 353
login scripts 355–357
password 348
phone settings 349
preferences 383
primary DNS 353
secondary DNS 353
selecting connection 349
selecting service 347
user name 347
Network connection 163
adding preferred network 335
connection methods 163
GPRS, prerequisite for 165
GPRS, using 165
GSM, prerequisite for 165
GSM, using 165
modem sled, prerequisite for 165
Palm Bluetooth Card, prerequisite
for 165
Palm Modem accessory, prerequisite
for 165
preferred network settings 334
problems establishing 382
search mode 333
use statistics 332
Nokia ring tunes 127
Note Pad
alarm 134
copying notes into other
applications 131
menus 135
opening 131
overview 131
reviewing notes 132
Notes, attaching to records 54
decimal point and thousands
separator 319
onscreen keyboard 21
Old messages, deleting 211
Onscreen keyboard 21, 43
Address Book 63
applications 33
Calculator 71
Clock 275
Date Book 79
Memo Pad 101
Note Pad 131
To Do List 155
Organizer (Lotus PIM) 29
Outbox 148, 194
storing e-mail 198
synchronizing 224
Outgoing server, settings 168, 174, 180, 239
Outlook, connecting to 386