Archive files
importing data from 29
for main applications 29
saving deleted records 44
saving purged records 45
Archive messages 148
Attaching a signature to messages 171, 177,
Attachments 148
downloading 218
icon for 189
selecting plug-ins 227
sending 198
using Documents To Go 226–227
Automatic fill, in Expense 100
Auto-off delay 320
Autotext 19
Back icon 256
Backing up e-mail databases 246
Backlight 11
adjusting 15
conserving power 320
doesn’t charge 379
gauge 33
life and use 370
recycling 370
warning 396–397
Bcc field 196
See also Blind copies
location of IR port 11
problems with 391
ring tunes 127
See also Infrared
Blind copies 170, 171, 176, 177, 182, 183, 196,
Bluetooth Card. See Palm Bluetooth Card
Bold font for text 55
adding 258
deleting 260
editing 259
opening a web site 259
overview 257
adjusting 15
key location 19
using backlight 15
Business card for beaming 27
mapping 310
preferences 310
CA certificate
description 266
storing 271
Cache memory
clear 264
enable or disable 263
overview 263
reload icon 256
buttons explained 71–72
memory 72
overview 71
recent calculations 71, 72
Calibration 17, 318
Call barring 340
password 341
Call history, dialing from 122
Call waiting
answering 112
disabling 350
setting 324
Call Waiting, disabling 299, 350
Calling card, using in phone settings 299,
Capitalizing, CAPS key location 20
CAPS key
function 20
location 20
Card Info 75
Caring for the handheld 369
Carrier. See Wireless carrier
Categories 147
application 35–36
assigning records to 45–46
beaming 26–28
creating 47
default 35, 45
displaying 46, 70, 384