Chapter 17 Using Palm™ VersaMail™ Personal E-mail Software
a smaller size. The maximum message size that you can retrieve is 60KB for
the body text and 2MB total, including attachments.
2. Tap Next.
Setting outgoing mail options
Outgoing mail options are the same for POP and IMAP accounts.
To set outgoing mail options:
1. (Optional) Do any of the following:
Display Name: Enter the name you want to appear on your outgoing
messages, such as “Joe Smith.”
Reply To Address: Enter the e-mail address that you want recipients to see
and reply to on your e-mail messages, only if this is different from the e-mail
address from which you are sending the message. For example, if you are
sending a message from me@yahoo.com but you want recipients to reply to
me@earthlink.net, enter the reply-to address here. Reply To Address makes
it look as though the e-mail came from the address you entered.
BCC: Select the BCC check box to send a blind copy of any e-mail message
you send to another e-mail address. The blind copy e-mail address is not
seen by the other recipients of the message. For example, if you want a copy
of all messages you send from your handheld to be sent to your corporate e-
mail account, enter that e-mail address.
2. Tap Next.
POP accounts IMAP accounts