Data compression 313
Data entry. See Entering data
Database, upgrading a MultiMail
database 162
Databases, backing up 246
displaying in Clock 282
Expense item 95
setting 317
setting current 276, 384
setting preference 317
To Do List record due 158–159
Date Book
adding Address Book data to records 51
Agenda view 89
alarm 83
archive files (.dba) 29
changing event time 83
changing event to untimed 83
conduit for synchronizing 285
conflicting events 90
continuous events 85–86
creating records 41, 80–83
Day view 87
deleting records 43
display options 91
end time for Day view 92
fonts 55
menus 90
Month view 88
notes for records 54
opening 79
overview 79
private records 367
purging records 44–45
repeating events 44, 85–86
scheduling events 79–81
selecting dates 81
start time for Day view 92
Sunday or Monday to start week 319
switching views 87
untimed events 80, 82
Week view 87, 319, 385
Day (Date Book view) 80, 91
Day, displaying in Clock 282
DBA (Date Book archive file) 29
Decimal point 319
categories 35, 45
currency in Expense 97
Delete key 20
Deleted data, saving in archive files 44
applications 61
Desktop software 61
e-mail 211–213, 239
filters 233
mail in the trash 214
old messages 212
passwords 360
records 43
service templates 357
text 43
See also Purging records
Desktop software
displaying euro 99
linking to external files 30, 304
removing 61, 62
saving deleted data to an archive file 44
upgrade 6
Dialing phone number 110
Digitizer 17, 318
Disconnecting a modem 178
Divert calls 326
DNS (Domain Naming System) 353
DNS number 383
Documents To Go
converting attachments 226–227
installing new version 162
Double-booked events 90
Download message size 169, 175, 182, 224
messages from phone 146
WAP page 255
Downloading attachments 189
Draft messages 149
creating 194
saving 198, 199
memos into other applications 101
using the stylus 18