Chapter 20 Performing HotSync
Performing a network HotSync operation
After you prepare your computer and your handheld and select your Conduit
Setup options, you are ready to perform a network HotSync operation.
To perform a network HotSync operation:
■ Tap the modem HotSync icon to begin the operation.
Using File Link
The File Link feature enables you to import Address Book and Memo Pad
information onto your handheld from a separate external file such as a company
phone list. HotSync Manager stores the data in a separate category on your Palm
Desktop software and on your handheld. You can configure the File Link feature
to check for changes to the external file when you perform a HotSync operation.
With File Link you can import data stored in any of the following formats:
■ Comma-separated (*.csv)
■ Memo Pad archive (*.mpa)
■ Address Book archive (*.aba)
■ Text (*.txt)
For information on how to set up a file link, see the Palm Desktop online Help.
The File Link feature is not available in Palm Desktop software for Mac.