ABA (Address Book archive file) 29
Access Point Name, changing 264
Account. See E-mail account
Add-on applications
compatibility 6
installing using a Mac 59
installing using Windows 57
removing 61
Address Book
*If Found Call* entry 65
adding custom fields 70
adding e-mail address from 196
adding entry from e-mail 218–219
archive files (.aba) 29
business card for beaming 27
categorizing records 45
conduit for synchronizing 285
creating records 41
deleting records 43
displaying category 70
displaying data in the Address list 66
finding records 18, 49
fonts 55
menus 69
notes for records 54
opening 63
overview 63
private records 367
sorting records 53
using to address e-mail 196
Addressing e-mail
displaying another address 170, 176,
182, 239
message 196–198
using Smart Addressing 197
Addressing messages 144
Advanced options 263
Advanced preferences 215
Agenda (Date Book view) 89
LED setting 321
lists 56
preset 92
setting in Clock 281
setting in Date Book 83
setting in Note Pad 134
sound 92, 282, 321, 380
vibrate setting 321
APN, changing 264
adding to an account 238, 241, 242
and synchronization 222
requirement 166, 238
Application buttons 11, 33, 63, 79, 310
Address Book 63
beaming 26–28
Calculator 71
Card Info 75
categories 35–36
Clock 275
Date Book 79
Expense 93
font style 55
installing 57–60
Launcher 33–37
Memo Pad 101
Note Pad 131
opening 33
plug-in 357
preferences for 41
removing 61
security 359
sending data from 151
To Do List 155
viewing as icons 36
viewing as list 36
See also Add-on applications