Setting up and managing e-mail accounts
To set up a service for a given e-mail account (different from the default service for your handheld):
1. From the Inbox of the account you want to switch, tap Get Mail.
2. Tap Details.
3. Tap the Always connect using check box. A pick list of available services
appears. The currently used connection is displayed by default.
4. Select the connection you want to switch to from the Service pick list.
5. Press Function + Enter (alternately, tap OK), and then press Function
+ Enter (or tap OK) again. If there is an existing service connection, it is
disconnected and the new connection is initiated. The VersaMail application
sends and checks for any new e-mail using the new connection.
Tap to change the service
connection for this e-mail account
only from your default handheld
service connection
Select a new service connection
for this e-mail account only