88 SMART-MR10/15 User Manual Rev 5
Appendix B Commands
The SMART-MR10/15 firmware implements the OEMV family command set, documented in OEMV
Family Firmware Reference Manual. For convenience, commonly used SMART-MR10/15 commands
are summarized in Table 15 and documented in this appendix.
Table 15: Commonly Used SMART-MR10/15 Commands in Alphabetical Order
The arguments for each of these commands are described in the following sections.
For a complete listing and description of the other commands that the SMART-MR10 or
SMART-MR15, OEMV-3G based receivers, are capable of processing, refer to the OEMV Family
Firmware Reference Manual.
ASCII Command Message ID Description
BTCONTROL 8205 Enable/disable Bluetooth wireless technology.
8215 Activate the CDMA cellular mode for a specified carrier
8212 Set the APN name and pin, and whether roaming is enabled
COM 4 Configure the receiver’s asynchronous serial ports
communications drivers.
FRESET 20 Clear data stored in non-volatile memory and reset.
LOG 1 Request logs from the receiver.
a. Only available in the SMART-MR15.
8230 Set the NTRIP caster that the receiver will mount to.
(SMART-MR15 only)
8231 Configure the NTRIP client to receive (or stop receiving)
corrections from the caster.
b. For use with GL1DE.
424 Enable, disable or reset the PDP (Pseudorange Delta-
Phase) filter.
970 Select the PDP filter mode and dynamics.
RADARCFG 8192 Configure the ER signal output.
RESET 18 Perform a hardware reset.
SBASCONTROL 652 Set SBAS test mode and PRN.
SETCANNAME 1091 Set the CAN name fields.