SMART-MR10/15 User Manual Rev 5 117
C.6 NTRIPSOURCETABLE Source Table Records from Current
This log provides information about the NTRIP sources available from the caster. Each record from
the caster's sourcetable appears in a separate NTRIPSOURCETABLE log. The log containing the last
record of the sourcetable will contain "ENDSOURCETABLE".
Message ID: 8232
Log Type: Asynch
Recommended Input:
log ntripsourcetablea onnew
ASCII Example:
NTRIPSOURCETABLE logs containing 143 sourcetable records from www.igs-ip.net:
"STR;WSRT0;Westerbork;RTCM 3.0;1004(1),1006(10),1008(10);2;GPS;IGS;NLD;
52.91;6.60;0;0;AOA SNR-12 ACT;none;B;N;1300;NRCan",93*293d7ff0
This log is only supported by the GSM/GPRS/HSDPA version of the
Issuing the NTRIPCASTER command while this log is requested causes the NTRIP
client to establish a connection to the caster and request the source table.
Issuing the NTRIPCLIENT MOUNT command while the source table is being
downloaded interrupts the output of the NTRIPSOURCETABLE log while NTRIP
corrections are being streamed to the receiver. After a subsequent NTRIPCLIENT
UNMOUNT command, the output of the NTRIPSOURCETABLE logs resumes.
Field # Name Description Format
TABLE header
Log header H 0
2 record A record from the caster’s sourcetable.
If the record transmitted by the caster
is longer than 256 bytes, it will be
Char 256 H
3 sequence Record sequence number Uint 4 H+256