Operation Chapter 3
SMART-MR10/15 User Manual Rev 5 53
NovAtel header.
The PSRDIFFSOURCE and RTKSOURCE commands set the station ID values which identify the
base stations from which to accept pseudorange or RTK corrections respectively. They are useful
commands when the rover station is receiving corrections from multiple base stations.
At the base station it is also possible to log out the contents of the standard corrections in a form that is
easier to read or process. These larger variants have the correction fields broken out into standard
types within the log, rather than compressed into bit fields. This can be useful if you wish to modify
the format of the corrections for a non-standard application, or if you wish to look at the corrections
for system debugging purposes. These variants have “DATA” as part of their names (for example,
RTCADATA1, RTCMDATA1, CMRDATAOBS, and more). Refer also to the OEMV Family
Firmware Reference Manual, which describes the various message formats in more detail.
3.3.5 SBAS (Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems)
A Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) is a type of geostationary satellite system that
improves the accuracy, integrity, and availability of the basic GNSS signals. Accuracy is enhanced
through the use of wide area corrections for GNSS orbits and ionospheric errors. Integrity is enhanced
by the SBAS network quickly detecting satellite signal errors and sending alerts to receivers to not use
the failed satellite. Availability is improved by providing an additional ranging signal to each SBAS
geostationary satellite.
OEMV family receivers, including the SMART-MR10/15, are capable of SBAS positioning. This
positioning mode is enabled using the SBASCONTROL command. The following command is used
to automatically track and use the SBAS service available in the area of operation, for example,
sbascontrol enable auto
For further information on SBASCONTROL, refer to the OEMV Family Installation and Operation
User Manual, available from the NovAtel website at www.novatel.com/support/firmware-software-
WAAS (Wide-Area Augmentation System)
The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has developed a Wide Area Augmentation System
(WAAS) to provide accurate positioning to the aviation industry. As well as providing the industry
with this high quality service, it is available to all other civilian users and markets in North America,
free of charge. Future developments to this system will encompass the L5 signal.
All PSRDIFFSOURCE entries fall back to SBAS (even NONE) for backwards
Information on how to send multiple commands and log requests using DOS or
Windows, can be found on our website at www.novatel.com
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