46 SMART-MR10/15 User Manual Rev 5
Chapter 3 Operation
Before operating the SMART-MR10 or SMART-MR15 for the first time, ensure that you have
followed the installation instructions in Chapter 2 Installation starting on page 26. The following
instructions are based on a COM port configuration such as that shown in Figure 15 on page 49. It is
assumed that a personal computer (PC), or laptop, is used during initial operation and testing for
greater ease and versatility.
3.1 Communications with the Receiver
Communication with the receiver typically consists of issuing commands through the communication
ports from an external serial communications device. This could be either a terminal or PC/laptop that
is directly connected to the receiver serial port using a DB-9 connector on the SMART-MR10 or
SMART-MR15 multi-cable. If you are using a radio, it connects to another DB-9 connector on the
same multi-cable by means of the radio serial cable supplied with the radio. It is recommended that
you become thoroughly familiar with the commands and logs detailed in the OEMV Family Firmware
Reference Manual to ensure maximum utilization of the receiver’s capabilities.
3.1.1 Serial Port Default Settings
The receiver communicates with your PC/laptop or terminal via an RS-232 serial port. For
communication to occur, both the receiver and the operator interface have to be configured properly.
The receiver’s COM1, COM2 and AUX default port settings are configured as follows:
• 9600 bps, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no handshaking, echo off
Changing the default settings requires use of the COM command. See Appendix B.5, COM Configure
COM Port starting on page 93 for details.
SMART-MR15 COM2 is restricted to internal use by the cellular radio. Do not
modify the settings for this port.
COM1 can be configured as RS-422. It can also be configured with flow control.
AUX is not available if COM1 flow control is enabled or if COM1 is configured as
RS-422. The configuration using the Mode pin is summarized in Table 5, SMART-
MR15 Connector Pin-Out on page 35.