SMART-MR10/15 User Manual Rev 5 111
• GPVTG, which outputs track made good and ground speed
Each of the available NMEA standard logs is described in more detail in its own section of Chapter 3
of the OEMV Family Firmware Reference Manual.
The steps for configuring the receiver output, through the command line are:
1. Configure the communication port using the COM command, described in Appendix B.5, COM
Configure COM Port on page 93. Configure the AUX port as follows:
enter the following string:
com aux 9600 n 8 1 n off on
2. Select and configure the NMEA string that you want to output. The information is described in
Chapter 3 Data Logs of the OEMV Family Firmware Reference Manual, in the section for the
particular log. For example, to log gpgga (position system fix data and undulation) at 2 Hz, enter
the following string:
log gpgga ontime 0.5
You can configure the log to output at various frequencies, as described in Appendix B.7, LOG
Request Logs from the Receiver on page 97.
The above command line operations can also be carried out through the Connect. Information about
configuring the communication port can be found in the Connect online help in Contents > Getting
Started > Connecting to the receiver. Information about logging data can be found in Getting Started >
Logging Data. The procedure for adding a NMEA log through the Connect is summarized as follows:
1. In the Logging control window, click Logging to one or more of the receiver's serial ports. The
Add Log window displays.
2. Beside Select list, select Complete List or NMEA List.
3. Beside Log to file, select the NMEA log you want to add.
4. Select the port.
5. Configure the remaining fields then click Add.
Bit Rate 9600
Parity none
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1
Handshaking None
Echo Off
Break On