72 SMART-MR10/15 User Manual Rev 5
Chapter 5 Bluetooth® Configuration
Figure 32: Bluetooth PIN Code Request
If the code is correct, a new COM dialog opens, showing the computer/laptop COM port that has
been assigned to the Bluetooth link. For example, in Figure 33, the computer/laptop port is
Figure 33: Computer/Laptop COM3 Port Assignment
4. Open a terminal program (HyperTerminal, for example) and configure it to the serial port
specified in the Bluetooth configuration utility. In the above example, the terminal program must
be configured to connect through COM21.
5. Configure the port settings as follows:
9600 bps, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no handshaking, echo off
6. Through the terminal program, connect to the Bluetooth serial port, and verify the connection.
7. Type the following VERSION log request into the command prompt to ensure that the connection
The Bluetooth icon in the task bar turns green when it is connected, as shown in Figure 34.