Installation Chapter 2
SMART-MR10/15 User Manual Rev 5 39
2.3.3 Debugging Guidelines:
• If the power is on but the yellow LED does not flash within one minute, no satellites are being
tracked. There may be excessive blockage or the unit may be defective. Make sure the unit has an
unobstructed view of the sky. Try power cycling the unit.
• If the yellow LED does not flash within one minute and power cycling the unit does not fix the
problem, once you have a computer or terminal connected, request a VERSION log to ensure that
the auth code is correct.
Example of a receiver loaded with an incorrect auth code:
[COM1]<VERSION COM1 0 94.5 UNKNOWN 0 156.357 004c0001 3681 5010
< GPSCARD "invalid authcode" "DHC09401037" "MCAGTP-1.00-22B" "3.710" "3.002" "2009/Nov/30" "11:08:19"
< DB_USERAPPAUTO "SmartAg" "0" "" "1.100" "" "2009/Nov/27" "13:22:29"
< USERINFO "LMX9830" "0212" "002166000001" "" "" "" ""
• Applies to MR10/15 – If the yellow LED is flashing but does not progress to solid yellow within
one minute, then insufficient satellites are being tracked or the signal quality is poor and
ephemeris data can’t be received. Normally, four satellites are sufficient for a valid position as
long as they are widely distributed in the sky. If it is stuck on blinking yellow, there may be
excessive blockage or the unit may be defective. Make sure the unit has an unobstructed view of
the sky. Try power cycling the unit.
• Applies to MR10 – If the yellow LED is on and the green LED does not turn on within five
minutes, no SBAS or DGPS positions are available. If you are using SBAS, make sure SBAS is
available in your area and that the unit is configured to enable SBAS positions (SBASCONTROL
ENABLE). For DGPS, make sure the unit is configured with the correct serial port parameters
and to accept the DGPS protocol your area uses and that your data modem is connected and
• Applies to MR15 – The green LED blinks when the MR15 authenticates with a cellular network.
The LED stays off if a cellular network connection is impossible for any reason.
• Applies to MR15 – If the green LED doesn’t go solid after mounting an NTRIP Caster, verify the
NTRIP Client configuration. The green LED only turns on if three conditions are met:
1. The NTRIP Client enters the STREAMING state
2. A valid position is available (the amber LED is on)
3. An RTK solution is available
For example, if the MR15 NTRIP Client is configured to receive RTCMV3 corrections but is
receiving RTCA corrections, only conditions 1) and 2) apply, so the green LED will remain
Applies to MR15 (HSPA only). If the red LED is flashing, the SIM card is not inserted or
improperly inserted. Refer to Figure 11, Figure 12 and Figure 13 on page 44 for correct insertion.