LAN Configuration
ProSafe Wireless-N 8-Port Gigabit VPN Firewall FVS318N
3. Enter the settings as explained in the following table. The IPv6 address pools and prefixes
for prefix delegation are explained in the sections following the table.
Table 13. LAN Setup screen settings for IPv6
Setting Description
IPv6 LAN Setup
IPv6 Address Enter the LAN IPv6 address. The default address is FEC0::1.(For more information,
see the introduction to this section, Manage the IPv6 LAN.)
IPv6 Prefix Length Enter the IPv6 prefix length, for example, 10 or 64. The default prefix length is 64.
DHCP Status Specify the status of the DHCPv6 server:
• Disable DHCPv6 Server. This is the default setting, and the DHCPv6 fields are
masked out.
• En
able the DHCPv6 Server. If you enable the server, you need to complete the
DHCPv6 fields.
DHCP Mode Select one of the DHCPv6
modes from the drop-down list:
• S
tateless. The IPv6 clients generate their own IP address by
using a combination of locally available information and router
advertisements, but receive DNS server information from the
DHCPv6 server. For stateless DHCPv6, you need to configure
the RADVD and advertisement prefixes (see Configure the
IPv6 Router Advertisement Daemon and Advertisement
Prefixes for the LAN on p
age 80). As an option, you can
enable prefix delegation (see the explanation further down in
this table).
• St
ateful. The IPv6 clients obtain an interface IP address,
configuration information such as DNS server information, and
other parameters from the DHCPv6 server. The IP address is a
dynamic address. You need to add IPv6 address pools to the
List of IPv6 Address Pools table on the LAN Setup screen (see
IPv6 LAN Address Pools o
n page 77).
Prefix Delegation If you have selected the st
ateless DHCPv6 mode, you can select
the Prefix Delegation check box:
• Pre
fix delegation check box is selected. The stateless
DHCPv6 server assigns prefixes to its IPv6 LAN clients. Make
sure that the Prefix Delegation check box on the ISP
Broadband Settings screen for IPv6 is also selected (see Use
a DHCPv6 Server to Configure an IPv6 Internet Connection on
page 39) to enable the wireless VPN firewall to acquire a prefix
from the ISP through prefix delegatio
n. In this configuration, a
prefix is automatically added to the List of Prefixes to Advertise
table on the LAN RADVD screen for IPv6 (see Configure the
IPv6 Router Advertisement Daemon and Advertisement
Prefixes for the LAN on p
age 80).
• Prefix delegation check box is cleared. Prefix delegation is
disabled in the LAN. This is the default setting.
Domain Name Enter the domain name of the DHCP server.