Wireless Configuration and Security
ProSafe Wireless-N 8-Port Gigabit VPN Firewall FVS318N
3. Specify the settings as explained in the following table:
4. Click Apply to save
your settings.
Table 31. Advanced Wireless screen settings
Setting Description
Beacon Interval Enter an interval between 40 ms and 3500 ms for each beacon transmission,
allows the wireless VPN firewall to synchronize the wireless network. The
default setting is 100.
DTIM Interval Enter the Delivery Traffic Ind
ication Message (DTIM) interval, also referred to
as the data beacon rate, which indicates the period for the beacon DTIM in
multiples of beacon intervals. This value needs to be between 1 and 255. The
default setting is 2.
RTS Threshold Enter the Request to Send (RTS) threshold. The default setting is 2346 bytes.
If the packet size is equal to or less than the RTS threshold, the wireless VPN
rewall uses the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
(CSMA/CD) mechanism, and the data frame is transmitted immediately after
the silence period.
If the packet size is larger than the RTS threshold, the wireless VPN firewall
uses th
e CSMA with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) mechanism. In this
situation, the transmitting station sends an RTS packet to the receiving station
and waits for the receiving station to return a Clear to Send (CTS) packet before
sending the actual packet data. This method improves the performance but
reduces the throughput.
Fragmentation Threshold Enter the maximum packet size that is used for the fragmentation of data
ackets. Packets that are larger than the specified fragmentation length are
broken up into smaller packets before being transmitted. The fragmentation
threshold needs to be an even number. The default setting is 2346 bytes.
Preamble Mode Specify the preamble mode by making a selection from the drop-down list:
• Lo
ng. A long transmit preamble might provide a more reliable connection or
a slightly longer range. This is the default mode.
• Short. A
short transmit preamble gives better performance.
Protection Mode Specify the Clear to Send (CTS)-to-self protecti
on mode by making a selection
from the drop-down list:
• None. CT
S-to-self protection mode is disabled. This is the default mode.
• CTS-to-Self-Prot
ection. CTS-to-self protection mode is enabled. This mode
increases the performance but reduces the throughput slightly.
Power Save Enable To enable the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) Powersave feature, select the Power
Enable check box. This feature saves power for battery-powered
equipment by increasing the efficiency and flexibility of data transmission. Clear
the check box to disable the feature, which is the default setting.