Firewall Protection
ProSafe Wireless-N 8-Port Gigabit VPN Firewall FVS318N
4. Click Apply to save your settings. The new bandwidth profile is added to the List of
Bandwidth Profiles table.
5. In the Ban
dwidth Profiles section of the screen, select the Yes radio button under Enable
Bandwidth Profiles? (By default the No radio button is selected.)
6. Click App
ly to save your settings.
To edit a bandwidth profile:
1. I
n the List of Bandwidth Profiles table, click the Edit table button to the right of the
bandwidth profile that you want to edit. The Edit Bandwidth Profile screen displays.
2. Mo
dify the settings that you wish to change (see the previous table).
3. Click Ap
ply to save your changes. The modified bandwidth profile is displayed in the List of
Bandwidth Profiles table.
To delete one or more bandwidth profiles:
1. I
n the List of Bandwidth Profiles table, select the check box to the left of each bandwidth
profile that you want to delete, or click the Select All table button to select all profiles.
2. Click the Del
ete table button to delete the selected profile or profiles.
Preconfigured Quality of Service Profiles
A Quality of Service (QoS) profile defines the relative priority of an IP packet when multiple
connections are scheduled for simultaneous transmission on the wireless VPN firewall. A
QoS profile becomes active only when it is associated with a nonblocking inbound or
outbound firewall rule or service, and traffic matching the firewall rule or service is processed
by the wireless VPN firewall. Priorities are defined by the Type of Service in the Internet
Protocol Suite standards, RFC 1349.
You can assign a QoS profile to a firewall rule or service on the following screens:
• Add
LAN WAN Outbound Services screen for IPv4 (see Figure 65 on page 141)
• Add
LAN WAN Outbound Services screen for IPv6 (see Figure 66 on page 142)
• Add
DMZ WAN Outbound Services screen for IPv4 (see Figure 71 on page 148)
• Add
DMZ WAN Outbound Services screen for IPv6 (see Figure 72 on page 149)
• Ser
vices screen (see Figure 92 on page 173)
Type From the Type drop-down list, select the type for the bandwidth profile:
• Grou
p. The profile applies to all users, that is, all users share the available
• Ind
ividual. The profile applies to an individual user, that is, each user can use the
available bandwidth.
Table 38. Add Bandwidth Profile screen settings (continued)
Setting Description