Firewall Protection
ProSafe Wireless-N 8-Port Gigabit VPN Firewall FVS318N
2. Enter the settings as explained in Table 33 on page 131. In addition to selections from the
Service, Action, and Log drop-down lists, you need to make selections from the following
wn lists:
• LAN Users
• DMZ Users
Unless your selection from the Action drop-down list is BLOCK always, you also need to
ake a selection from the following drop-down list:
• Select Sch
3. Click Apply. The new rule is
now added to the Outbound Services table. The rule is
automatically enabled.
IPv6 LAN DMZ Outbound Service Rules
To create a new IPv6 LAN DMZ outbound rule:
1. In
the upper right of the LAN DMZ Rules screen, select the IPv6 radio button. The screen
displays the IPv6 settings (see Figure 76 on
page 154).
2. Click the Add t
able button under the Outbound Services table. The Add LAN DMZ
Outbound Service screen for IPv6 displays:
Figure 78.
3. Enter the settings as explained in Table 33 on page 131. In addition to selections from the
Service, Action, and Log drop-down lists, you need to make selections from the following
wn lists:
• LAN Users
• DMZ Users