Firewall Protection
ProSafe Wireless-N 8-Port Gigabit VPN Firewall FVS318N
2. Enter the settings as explained in Table 33 on page 131. In addition to selections from the
Service, Action, and Log drop-down lists, you need to make selections from the following
• DMZ Users
• W
AN Users
Unless your selection from the Action drop-down list is BLOCK always, you also need to
ake selections from the following drop-down lists:
• Select
• QoS Priority
• NA
T IP (This drop-down list is available only when the WAN mode is NAT. If you
select Single Address, the IP address specified should fall under the WAN subnet.)
3. Click App
ly. The new rule is now added to the Outbound Services table. The rule is
automatically enabled.
IPv6 DMZ WAN Outbound Service Rules
To create a new IPv6 DMZ WAN outbound rule:
1. In the upper
right of the DMZ WAN Rules screen, select the IPv6 radio button. The screen
displays the IPv6 settings (see Figure 70 on p
age 147).
2. Click the Ad
d table button under the Outbound Services table. The Add DMZ WAN
Outbound Service screen for IPv6 displays:
Figure 72.