Monitor System Access and Performance
ProSafe Wireless-N 8-Port Gigabit VPN Firewall FVS318N
3. Click Apply to save your settings.
Note: Enabling routing and other event logs might generate a significant
volume of log messages. NETGEAR recommends that you enable
firewall logs for debugging purposes only.
How to Send Syslogs over a VPN Tunnel between Sites
To send syslogs from one site to another over a gateway-to-gateway VPN tunnel:
1. At Site 1, se
t up a syslog server that is connected to Gateway 1.
2. Set up a VPN tun
nel between Gateway 1 at Site 1 and Gateway 2 at Site 2.
3. Chan
ge the remote IP address in the VPN policy on Gateway 1 to the WAN IP address of
Gateway 2.
4. Chan
ge the local IP address in the VPN policy on Gateway 2 to the WAN IP address of
Gateway 2.
5. At Sit
e 2, specify that Gateway 2 should send the syslogs to the syslog server at Site 1.
Enable SysLogs
Do you want
to enable
To enable the wireless VPN firewall to send logs to a specified syslog server, select the Yes
radio button. Complete the fields that are shown on the right side of the screen.
To prevent the logs from be
ing sent, select the No radio button, which is the default setting.
SysLog Server The IP address or FQDN of the syslog server.
SysLog Severity All the logs with a severity that is equal to and above the severity
at you specify are logged on the specified syslog server. For
example, if you select LOG_CRITICAL as the severity, then the
logs with the severities LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_ALERT, and
LOG_EMERG are logged.
Select one of the following syslog sever
ities from the drop-down
bug-level messages.
• LO
G INFO. Informational messages.
• LOG NOTICE. There are normal but significant conditions.
ARNING. There are warning conditions.
There are error conditions.
• LOG CRITICAL. There are critical conditions.
• LO
G ALERT. An action has to be taken immediately.
ERG. The wireless VPN firewall is unusable.
Table 85. Firewall Logs & E-mail screen settings (continued)
Setting Description