Wireless Configuration and Security
ProSafe Wireless-N 8-Port Gigabit VPN Firewall FVS318N
Note: WPA, WPA2, and
+WPA2 only.
The encryption that you can select depends
on the type of WPA security that
you have selected:
• WP
A. You can select the following encryption from the drop-down list:
• WP
A2. You can select the following encryption from the drop-down list:
• WP
A+WPA2. The encryption is TKIP+CCMP.
Note: WPA, WPA2, and
+WPA2 only.
For WPA, WPA2, and WPA+WPA2 only, specify the a
uthentication by making a
selection from the drop-down list:
• PS
WPA Password
Note: WPA, WPA2, and
+WPA2 only.
For WPA, WPA2, and WPA+WPA2 only
, if you have selected PSK or
PSK+RADIUS authentication, enter a pre-shared key or password.
Note: WPA2 only.
For WPA2 only, if you have selected RADIUS
authentication, configure
preauthentication by selecting the check box. Preauthentication allows a client
to roam from one access point to another access point without having to be
Radius Server Settings
Note: WPA, WPA2, and
+WPA2 only.
For WPA, WPA2, and WPA+WPA2 only, if you have selected RADIUS or
PSK+RADIUS authentication, click the Radius Server Settings link to
configure the RADIUS settings (see RADIUS Client and Server Configuration
on page 240).
VLAN From the drop-down list, select the VLAN to which the wire
less profile should
be allocated.
VLAN Profiles Click the VLAN Profiles
link to configure a VLAN profile (see Configure a
VLAN Profile on p
age 59).
Active Time To enable the timer, select the Active Time check box. When the timer is
enabled, the wireless profile is turned off from the start time until the stop time.
To disable the timer, clear the check box.
Start Time Specify the start hour in the Hours field and the start minute in the Minutes field,
then select AM or PM from the drop-down list.
Stop Time Specify the stop hour in the Hours field a
nd the stop minute in the Minutes field,
and then select AM or PM from the drop-down list.
WLAN Partition To enable wireless client separation and pre
vent wireless clients that are
connected to this wireless profile from communicating with each other, select
the WLAN Partition check box. To disable wireless client separation, clear the
check box. By default, WLAN partition is disabled.
Table 29. Add Wireless Profiles screen settings (continued)
Setting Description