204 Power Tools EZConfig Utilities
MX6 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC
Access: Start | Power Tools | EZConfig Utilities
Note: The ScanDemo is only available when there is a laser scanner, as opposed to an imager,
installed in the MX6.
The ScanDemo.EXM file stores the locked and unlocked parameters that determine how the MX6
reads, captures, and stores barcodes scanned using the scanner aperture.
The ScanDemo.EXM file programs the Scan Demo main window that is accessed by Start |
For each symbology, the first parameter (parameter 0) determines if the symbology is enabled (1 =
enabled). The remaining parameters (parameter1 through parameter n) have various meanings for
each symbology.
Symbologies specified by “Imager Only” can only be decoded by imager-equipped units. Altering
their settings has no effect on an MX6 equipped with a laser scanner.
See Chapter 6 “Scanner\Imager Parameter Setup” and section titled “SCANCONFIG.INI” and for
explanations of individual barcode parameter settings..
See section titled “Using the EZConfig Editor” for details and instruction when working with the
sections and keys in the Scandemo configuration file.
Double-tap the Scandemo configuration file to open it.
Double-tap EZConfig Editor to open the editor, tap File | Open and select the Scandemo
configuration file from the selection box.
When additions/changes are finished, tap File | Save or File | Save As.
• Scandemo
• Decode
• Symbologies
• Centering
Key Value Description
Version 3 This stores the file version. Do not modify this
Debug 0 Controls the debug function of ScanDemo.
1=Enable, a log file is created in the \IPSM folder.
DebugFilename /ipsm/scandemo.log Location and name of the ScanDemo log file.